
Roses Are Red, Violets are Blue

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Roses are red.  Violets are blue.  I love floral fashions! How about you!? 

Excuse my silliness, I just couldn't help but think of that when I looked back at these pictures and noticed my newly made red flower crown and the blue floral skirt (too bad they aren't really violet!) I paired together!  When I put this together I ALMOST went for a heal, but decided to play down my almost fancy outfit and pair my florals with my favorite converse! 
I have always been a converse kind of girl.  I don't need real tennis shoes because well... I don't play sports... AT ALL! Like not only do I not sport but I can't sport.  I know- "Practice makes perfect!" but I don't want to play them! I have no interest in catching, throwing, kicking any kind of ball, running, or any other kind of sporty activity.  I have always LOVED to dance (my favorites are hip hop and lyrical!), but I had to stop my lessons because of my back injuries.  So dance is the closest thing to sports I have done.  I do support my school teams though, I have always watched my brothers do their sport thing, and my FAVORITE is watching my nephew and niece playing on their little baseball teams!  I love that others enjoy the sports they do, and I will support them because I know how exhilarating it can be.  I've always said that the stage is my football field.  I love to dance and act, and will continue to do my sporting on the local stages! 

I love this top! I've worn it MORE than a few times since I have had it and I don't see myself getting tired of it! And the skirt is a favorite as well! I actually got both of these to go together when I was in Savannah this past summer! First I went into Red Clover, tried on this top, and loved it! I told myself I was going to hold off on it though because I still had a week left of vacation.  Then I went into their sister store, Harper, got this skirt, and then went back to Red Clover for the red shirt I KNEW would match my new skirt! Us girls- were crazy!
Have a happy day and enjoy our last bits of summer while you can!!!

Similar SkirtSimilar TopRed Converse- Old Purse- Flower Crown
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Fall Fashion ALREADY!?

Monday, August 29, 2016

WOW! Summer FLEW by! Right!? It's crazy how it seems I was just complaining about snow and here I am already looking at coats online! Sometimes I get TOO excited for the next season fashions.  Do you? I want all the cute sundresses summer has to offer, but when fall is right around the corner I am already putting Modcloth's newest fall statement pieces in my cart! SO MUCH TROUBLE! They are all so cute! As we all know our wallets get thinner the more we buy soooooo, I've been looking through my summer dresses and trying to find ones with fall tones that I can match with my tights!  I love this dress, the color, the shape, the comfort, the everything so for the past few years I've carried it with me from summer to fall.  One of my favorite color combinations is dark red and mustard, and so of course this has always been a favorite of mine!  

As you can see my fingers have been dabbling in the fall flower crowns as well! I guess they TECHNICALLY aren't flowers, but it's still going to be my flower crown:P  By the way!!! A flower crown tutorial is coming soon!!! Can I get a WOOHOO?!  
Have a happy day!

Similar DressMustard TightsSimilar Purse- Flower Crown made by Me
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Sunday Devotional: Psalm 46

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day.
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
    he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come and see what the Lord has done,
    the desolations he has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease
    to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
    he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.

We are constantly in fear of something. We are in fear of judgment, fear of it fitting in, fear of standing out, fear of failing, fear of loss, fear of losing out job, fear of missing out, fear of hard times, fear of danger, fear of competition, and fear of the unknown. And that last fear is the reason we fear of trusting God. God doesn't give you a behind the scenes look at our future when we hand out lives over to Him, He doesn't tell us every single step at a time, but He does give us a guide. He has given us the Bible.  He is given us these powerful verses that teach us about what God can do. 
We shouldn't be fearful of giving Him control!!! He is our refuge and strength, he makes wars cease, and has the power to destroy, create, and heal. He says, "Be still and know that I am God." WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF?... Nothing. You have nothing to be afraid of. You don't need to be afraid of losing someone, of fitting it, of danger, or of any other thing because we know He is God! 
Letting go of the fear of the unknown, then humbling yourself to God, and letting him take control of your life is the best thing you can do. God created this whole earth, He created me and you, He has had His hands on this earth since the beginning of time and will continue to he until the end. As much as we try or want to control everything it will NEVER work.  We aren't God! When you let Him take control He will guide you into a great many things.  It doesn't mean everything will be perfect or easy. It just means that God is with you through all those tough things, and if you trust Him to take control then your faith will grow stronger. What are you fearful of? What are you not handing over to God? When will you hang it over to Him?

Dear God, I pray you would touch our hearts, that we would humble ourselves and realize we can't do what you can, that all of us would take those fears in our hearts and lay them in your hands, and that each of us would know YOU are God and that we would be still. I pray that we would give you are fears and remember You are our strength and refuge! It's in Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

Tea For The Weekend: Japanese Cherry

Saturday, August 27, 2016

As you may know already I LOVE colorful things and I LOVE tea! So naturally I love colorful tea! I think that is why I'm attracted to more green and red tea's than I am black tea's.  Don't get be wrong though, Lady Grey will ALWAYS have a place in my heart! This tea has such a beautiful color AND taste. We got this tea while we were in California in this dainty little tea shop called, Mr. Trombly's Tea.  It's a tea we have ordered over and over again!  It has a really good flavor whether you like to steep it for a lot of strength or just for a minute or two for a more mild taste.  

This was my first time trying strawberries in it, and it tasted SO good! I let them sit in the tea for about a minute and then when I took them out they were really warm, not mushy, and still had a cold burst of flavor in the middle.  I definitely recommend it! It would probably taste good with any berry such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, or even cherries as well!!
I'm off to enjoy my tea now! Have a lovely tea drinking, Hallmark movie marathon kind of day!

Vintage, Vintage, Vintage!

Friday, August 26, 2016

I realize that some (or many) girls my age, younger, and I guess older too wouldn't even THINK of touching my style, lol! I love anything that has a vintage twist in a modern piece or just a complete vintage piece. I'm not all about the short shorts, crop tops, hot pink bodycon dresses, and low cut cheetah print anything! I love that each of us has our own unique style, but something my boyfriend said is very important to remember though also- "Modesty is Hotesty!".  Our bodies are temples and we are supposed to honor them by honoring God.I like to wear midi skirts and button blouses and fit and flare dresses the stay-at-home mom would've worm in the 50's! That's all why this outfit is a favorite and any outfit even close to this. I love the black tie on the collar of the shirt, the flare of the floral skirt, and the modern twist of color on my Oxford shoes! The hat happens to be a real vintage! I was at a ball game for my nephew and niece when I noticed this lovely hat on my grandma! I complimented her and before I knew it the hat was on my head and soon to be in my closet! I LOVE IT!

Shirt similar- skirt similar- shoes similar- hat similar

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

My LB(floral)D

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Good morning to all my lovely readers! It seems that everyone has a LBD these days.  So I guess my twist on my LBD(little black dress) is my floral print.  I found this little gem at an Urban Outfitters on a girls trip with my mom.  I love how flowy it is, the choppy hem, and i mean OF COURSE the print!  I also love this specific flower crown because I made it specifically for my last school dance I had.  I love that I can put my hair into the back of it and display the flower garden on my head while still keeping my neck cool.  These shoes are a little too high for an all day standing kind of thing but for a few hours it isn't too bad.  I like that can be very versatile for every season as well. Have a happy day!

Similar dressSimilar shoesSimilar bag- Flower Crown made by Me
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me
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