
Roses Are Red, Violets are Blue

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Roses are red.  Violets are blue.  I love floral fashions! How about you!? 

Excuse my silliness, I just couldn't help but think of that when I looked back at these pictures and noticed my newly made red flower crown and the blue floral skirt (too bad they aren't really violet!) I paired together!  When I put this together I ALMOST went for a heal, but decided to play down my almost fancy outfit and pair my florals with my favorite converse! 
I have always been a converse kind of girl.  I don't need real tennis shoes because well... I don't play sports... AT ALL! Like not only do I not sport but I can't sport.  I know- "Practice makes perfect!" but I don't want to play them! I have no interest in catching, throwing, kicking any kind of ball, running, or any other kind of sporty activity.  I have always LOVED to dance (my favorites are hip hop and lyrical!), but I had to stop my lessons because of my back injuries.  So dance is the closest thing to sports I have done.  I do support my school teams though, I have always watched my brothers do their sport thing, and my FAVORITE is watching my nephew and niece playing on their little baseball teams!  I love that others enjoy the sports they do, and I will support them because I know how exhilarating it can be.  I've always said that the stage is my football field.  I love to dance and act, and will continue to do my sporting on the local stages! 

I love this top! I've worn it MORE than a few times since I have had it and I don't see myself getting tired of it! And the skirt is a favorite as well! I actually got both of these to go together when I was in Savannah this past summer! First I went into Red Clover, tried on this top, and loved it! I told myself I was going to hold off on it though because I still had a week left of vacation.  Then I went into their sister store, Harper, got this skirt, and then went back to Red Clover for the red shirt I KNEW would match my new skirt! Us girls- were crazy!
Have a happy day and enjoy our last bits of summer while you can!!!

Similar SkirtSimilar TopRed Converse- Old Purse- Flower Crown
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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