
A Little Black Beret

Friday, September 30, 2016

I have always been intrigued by anything vintage and/or foreign, hence the beret: vintage and French! I have always loved the way they look and so I FINALLY ordered one from ASOS and I absolutely L-O-V-E it! I would wear it all day every day if I could! I'm looking forward to getting possibly a red one and caramel colored one for our chilly and snowy days in the near future.  As a girl that is still in high school it is rather frustrating that I can't wear my hats to school.  Okay, so I guess I can wear them TO school, but not when I'm IN school... So I guess I'll have to wear my hats on the weekends and afternoons, but for all of you who are free to wear them PLEASE take advantage of it! A hat can do SO much for an outfit (OR a bad hair day!)!!! It can be that ONE accessory, the cherry on top of the sunday, or simply just a hat because you felt like wearing a hat.  Just because it is cold out doesn't mean you can't be stylish.  Our cold days just give us more options;) 

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Fall Fangirling

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Okay, so first off- I got a haircut! I know my hair was short to some people , but for me it was longer than what I had had it in a while.  I knew I wanted to get it cut, however I just didn't know how.  Well I finally chose to do it! I love it so much I am actually considering the idea of getting it a BIT shorter!... Anyways!!! Despite that fact I HATE being cold I am SOOOOO looking forward for the weather to chill down! I feel like I am repeating myself, but I am just desperate to wear tights! SO you know what they say, "Desperate times calls for desperate measures..."  Hence the tights:P Some may think fall and winter is boring because of all the dark colors, but there are so many opportunities!!! Tights come in hundreds of colors, prints, and materials! How about dark reds, browns, mustards, and the endless supply of velvet and corduroy! The boots, oxfords, and lacy socks!  Like come on... It's not boring! Oh and don't get me started on the endless amount of colorful and different silhouette coats! I think I'm fangirling over fall and winter right now.  Like I said. I don't like the cold and the snow, but you have to make the most out of what you've got.  How about you!? What's your favorite fall and winter fashion?

Similar DressRed Ribbed TightsShoes
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Two of The Same

Monday, September 26, 2016

Good Morning and Happy Monday!... I know I know. Happy Monday? No such thing, right? Believe me, as a girl that has to wake up at 5 every weekday and 7 every Sunday I LOVE my sleep and time I get down.  So by the time Monday comes back around it is incredibly easy to complain, and mope around because I still have the rest of the week left.  What does that do for us though? What does it do for the people we're around?  Does our complaining mean Monday won't come around next week? If that happens for you please let me in on the secret, because it's never happened to me.  However changing our mindsets about Monday can do a lot.  No matter what you do Monday is always going to come around.  If we started treating Monday like a fresh beginning, like a chance to cheer up others, or like a day we can share Jesus' love think of how much we and others would benefit from it!  Start today by looking at Monday with a positive attitude and making it useful!

Similar DressShoesSimilar Hat
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Tea For The Weekend: Tea Addiction

Sunday, September 25, 2016

I never knew tea addiction could be a real thing until my church did The Water Challenge as I mentioned in last weeks post.  Well I now know that is a real thing, and that I have it.  It has been so incredibly hard! I actually had a tea bag out that I had been sniffing the entire two weeks (that is until I got desperate enough to chew on the tea bag and ripped a hole in it... Whoops!).  Well as you can see this post appears to be a day late, but I wanted to wait a day so that I could actually share you a tea!!! AND here I am FINALLY drinking my tea!  I was seriously tempted make every tea I own this morning, however I contained myself.

This tea has been a family favorite for years now.  It's called Mango & Friends and may I say, It is SOOO good!  What's amazing about this tea is that it is naturally sweet because of the fruit in it so you don't need to add any sugar! I suggest to click on over to Mr. Trombly's Tea Room to order some of this now! Have a Happy Sunday!

Sunday Devotional: 1 Kings 22:5

1 Kings 22:5

5. First seek the counsel of the Lord. 

How often do you go tell you your friends the latest gossip, what that one person said to you, or what every single problem you have is? A lot? I think it can be easy to talk about all of our problems to anyone that will listen, and believe me it's not wrong to have a good friend, mom, boyfriend, or husband to go to for help or advice.   However the first person you need to go to is Jesus.  He can solve ALL your problems if you simply listen to you.  Sometimes what He wants us to do is not quite what we had in mind, but if we trust Him we will succeed in what God wants us to!  There is a HUGE difference between ranting and asking for advice.  When you go to other people (after you've went to God) maybe share with them how you feel about the issue or what you feel God has laid on your heart to do.  It certainly isn't as easy as it seams, but it is so worth it.  Your relationship with God and other people will grow and prosper.

Dear God,
I pray that each of us will take that step in faith in going to you first, in asking you for help, and trusting in what you want ask of us.  I ask for the courage and strength and love we need to go about our problems, questions, and even our simple daily issues.  It is in Jesus' name I pray Amen!

Remix: A Black Shirt Dress

Friday, September 23, 2016

There are so many ways you can style just one piece of clothing, and I very much believe in restyling them in how many ever ways possible!  Some bloggers feel it necessary to only wear their pieces of clothing once because well- it's been blogged on! Then it can feel impossible as a reader to catch up with all new lovely clothing items, but it is SOOOOO important to learn how to restyle pieces (especially if you don't want to wear the same outfit twice).  So here is the first one I have put out for you.  I styled it with bright accents such as the red vintage pin, the red tie in my hair, and the bright blue eyelet flats! 

Photos by Jordan Liz

In my next one I styled with black clog heels, curled hair, and a red bag. Very minimal yet sophisticated. 

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Vintage Print - Modern Wrap

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Fall is such a lovely time of year.  The mornings are getting chilly enough we need jackets, we're putting away our spring and summer colours, the leaves are starting to have a slight (SLIGHT!!!!) change, and the days are getting shorter.  Despite the fact that I don't live in New York one of my favorite fall quotes is, “Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” Can anyone guess what it's from!?... You've Got Mail! I have a huge heart for chick-flicks!  Here recently I watched You've Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle marathon... Ugh *dreamy sigh*... Such lovely movies!  

Okay, okay, okay... On to the outfit now.  I've talked before about that just cause your age is a certain number doesn't mean you can't shop in other areas.  Like this dress I got at Marshall's I got in the Women's section instead of the juniors!  I had actually seen it a few times.  I was too indecisive about whether or not I liked it or if it would look good on me... WELL the solution was to just try it on the fifth time I saw it there! And thank goodness I did.  I LOVE it! I ALWAYS stick to the same shape: fit and flare.  So I've been hesitant to try on a wrap dress, and when I finally tried it on I decided the print was too much to resist!!! I absolutely adore it.  Don't be afraid to try on clothes that are in sections you typically don't wander into.  You never know what gem you'll find! Have a good day!  

ASOS Wrap Dresses- Vintage Bag- Shoes
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Summer In The Fall

Monday, September 19, 2016

It can be hard restocking our closets for each new season when our wallets are tiny, so learning how to incorporate our summer pieces into our fall wardrobe is so important!  This baby pink dress has been a favorite all summer.  It's so light, so vintage with its collar, and just so me.  The length has made it quite easy though to put it into my fall wardrobe.  Styling a loose sweater or a high waisted sweater over top of a dress transforms the dress into a lovely skirt (Plus it gives you an extra layer up top for our chilly weather!).  Another great way is wearing a blouse under a sleeveless dress to give your summer dresses some sleeves!
 How do you plan on styling your summer pieces this fall!?

Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me
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