
Grandma's House

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Good morning! This is a place I have wanted to take pictures at and I finally got to! It's at my grandma and grandpa's house! I adore their back yard! It is so picturesque! It is filled with many colorful flowers (including my grandpa's lovely rose bushes), several bird feeders, a cute white bench, a light green shed, and it is all housed in with the one and only white picket fence.  It sounds picturesque right!?  And trust me. It looks just as it sounds!  

As for my dress- guess where I got it!!!... My mom's closet! My mom has always been very fashionable, and so when she was recently cleaning her closet I helped her out by taking a few items off her hands;P  The print is so vintage and I love the sleeves.  The colors in this dress make it a wonderful transition piece from summer to fall.  It's still fun, light, and has the fun floral print, but it has some nice fall colors such as the orange and brown while mixing with the summery blue! What does your perfect transition piece look like!?


Dress from my mom's closet SimilarShoesSimilar Jacket
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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