
School Girl

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

It's that time of year again- whether it is high school, college, taking advantage of store sales, or sending your own kids off to school.  Well for me not only am I entering my senior year of high school, but I just love the sales at all my favorite stores!  I had my eye on this dress for QUITE SOME TIME, and so I finally took the jump and ordered this gem from ModCloth!  I loved it so much and saved the first wear for my first day of school.  I just love the unique collar on this cute dress! I LOVE the color red, and it can be very difficult for me not to love any red piece of clothing.  So naturally I HAD to get it! Right?! Okay, so maybe not HAD to, but I certainly wanted to get it VERY much!  I completely recommend this dress, and if you're wild about the bright color there is also one similar to this in black.  

I understand some- scratch that. I understand a LOT of people don't like school.  I of course don't like all the homework and my unbearable math class, but there are so many opportunities.  Opportunities to be a light, be kind, show love, help, teach, and befriend people that have no one.  There are so many people that come from broken homes, have a hard time learning, that can't afford the things you can, that have no positive influence in their lives, and that have never been taught to be kind and love others.  You may be the only person that gives that one person a smile, a wave, a "hello", or a meaningful "how are you?".  Who are you going to be? That person that just walks by? Or the person who makes a difference?  Don't let your life pass you by while you complain about the bad things and people in the world if you aren't going to take the time to be the difference. 

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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