
Feminine Denim

Monday, October 10, 2016

How do you see yourself?  What runs through your head when you look in the mirror?  What do you do when negative things are said to you?
Not everyone looks the same, not everyone can be a size 2, not everyone has perfect straight hair or perfect curls, not everyone has long nails, not everyone has a flat stomach, and not everyone looks like the cover of Vogue.  So WHY do we make ourselves think we need to have all of those qualities?! As a group of women I want to collectively fight our insecurities together.  I want us to pick out the things we don't like about ourselves, write something positive about ourselves, and then stick it the mirror, door, above the kitchen sink, or wherever you spend time and you'll see it.  For example if you don't like your eyes, write on a post-it "My eyes are beautiful!"  Then put it on your mirror.  I encourage all of you to do it with me!

On to the outfit! I grabbed this dress from my mom's recent closet clean outs!  I think it is so cute! I wanted a denim dress, and my mom must heard my silent plea! I am so excited about this.  This something I will be able to wear all year long.  My bow tie is very special to me.  I got it from my mom and I's first girl trip to Savannah.  It is from an art store from the art college there, and I love that it was made from a student!  I hope you all have a lovely day!

Similar DressSimilar Bow TieBrooch- ShoesTote
Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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