
School Days

Monday, October 24, 2016

Good morning!  With autumn being POSSIBLY my favorite season it gives me quite a bit of artistic inspiration for not just my style, but for my writing as well.  So here is a little poem inspired by this season's true beauties.
The autumn soft air
And the beautiful changing leaves affair
They whistle and embark down the lane
Causing nothing less than a stop and stair kind of strain

The hayride down the pumpkin patch
Breezy days, spice lattes, and auburn tights are quite the match
Cookies, pies, and all the goodies from one sweet pumpkin
And our country mom cooking bumpkin 

Days with trickling light
And more abundant dark nights
Soon these days will fade
This season truly has quite the trade
- Cori
Have a lovely day, and indulge in one of this season's gifts!

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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