
She In Mustard

Monday, October 3, 2016

Okay, so WHO does NOT like mustard?! Especially in the fall! I happen to love this color all year round, but it just feels right in the fall if you know what I mean.  I feel like if I stand in the forest and am engulfed by the lovely colors of autumn I could be apart of it.  Like a piece of art in a way.  That's why in these pictures I just feel like I'm part of the flowers.  It's not that I blend in, it's just that I go with them, and we go together.  This is such a lovely time of year.  Every day when I pull into my drive I see the trees changing color day by day, and each morning I step out it is chillier and chillier.  You see this season of shedding?  Shedding what was old- the past.  Soon and before we know it life will be springing out of everything we see in a couple of months.  We will be more than happy to shed our coats and twirl in our sundresses, but for now lets enjoy this time of year by letting go the past.  

Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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