
Sunday Devotional: 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, October 9, 2016

2 Timothy 1:7

7. For the Spirit of God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self discipline.  

This verse is so powerful.  So many times we let Satan, words, negative thoughts and insecurities get to us. All of those things have nothing to do with god and what He has blessed us with though.  We let all of those things hold us back and keep us down.

God has given us power.  Power to do what He has planned for us, power to change the world by the works we do for God.  He has given us the power to love. He first loved us, so why can't we love the ones that drive us the most crazy?  We are sinful creatures that repeat our sinful nature time and time again, but God continue to loves us more than anyone else loves us.  So again I'll ask you, why can't we love others?... Yeah, silence.  That's what I thought.  We need to love the people in our lives whether it be someone we see everyday or the stranger we see in the grocery store.  God has also given us self discipline.  We do so many things on impulse, and because of "YOLO", but we have to stop using those things as an excuse to do what we want.  We can control ourselves, and listen to God's commands,  by using the gifts He has given us.

Dear God,
I pray that you will open our eyes, heart, and mind to these things you have given us.  From this day forward I ask that each of us will strive to using these qualities you've given us, and that we would block the negativity and sin from our minds and hearts.  I hope we will make a difference in this world by doing what what you've called us to do, and doing it by using what you've given us.  It is in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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