
Windy Days In Autumn

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Am I the only one that thinks autumn is bipolar???  The past few days were chilly, windy, and made you in need of a jacket, but now it is back to the low 80's! What is this?! I want my sweater weather back!... Well, besides my weather rant I wanted to give you a few pointers for fall floral.  I am madly in love with anything floral, which makes spring and summer very easy for me to grab something out of my closet and throw it on.  However fall makes us lean towards the dark colors, which in my opinion makes it easy for us to veer away from the florals our hearts beat for.  That certainly hasn't kept me from wearing my favorite florals in the chilliest time of the year, but it can make me feel out of place in the season though!  So when my mom pointed this shirt out to me I LOVED it, because it was FLORAL and PERFECT FOR FALL!!!  Despite  flowers being more of a spring or summer thing these dark colors and artistic flow of the flower design make it much more suitable for fall than any other floral I own.  So if you're like me, and can't help but reach for florals in this time of year- go for the darker colors!


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Photos by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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