
Blush & Velvet

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What better way to pep up a day than wearing velvet and pink (blush)!  You may know by now, and if you don't- you will soon! I am LOVING velvet this year!  Every time I spot ANYTHING velvet in a store I feel like the heart eye emoji!  Such as this velvet top (I'm sorry it's hard to see in these pictures!)!  My mom and I were on our way to the check out when I walked past this and my feet stopped!  I picked up and walked it to the cashier without even trying it on.  Believe me when I say that you will be seeing this top a LOT more! It's funny how most of the time I want to wear a frilly dress that makes me feel like a housewife from the 50's, but then every once in a while I like to pull out hats like this one and walk with confidence in my rolled up black skinnies.  I think it's okay though! Sometimes we have a mix of decades and fashions that capture our eye, and that is totally okay to switch it up!  Whether it be almost everyday or every couple of weeks- don't be afraid(: Have a lovely Wednesday! 

Old hat from IDK where- Top from Marshalls- Similar CardiganLevi's Jeans- Shoes from Modcloth
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

My French Style

Monday, November 28, 2016

Good morning!  I love traditions, and so today I am going to share one of mine with you.   So every year the boys in my family and a bunch of guy friends go to my grandpa's cabin the Sunday night after Thanksgiving for a "Deer Camp." They have LOTS of food, play poker, talk, and (obviously) go hunting that evening, and then it carries into Monday whether they chill at the cabin or go hunting all day.  Then my mom, my grandma, my (other) grandpa, my sister-in-law, and my niece all go to an inn about a half hour away! We have dinner, go swimming at the hotel, eat breakfast at the hotel, and then go shopping!  It is a bunch of fun and we have been doing this as far back as I can remember.  What about you? Do you have any family traditions this time of year? (My brother came over while I was taking pictures so here is a little sibling thinking pose!)

Peacoat Old Navy- Old Shirt from Marshalls- Levi's Jeans- Modcloth Oxfords (sold out)- c/o Materia Rica Earringsc/o Materia Rica NecklaceInstax 90Instax 90 Case- ASOS Beret sold out
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

Sunday Devotional: Psalm 1:1-3

Sunday, November 27, 2016

1. Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2. but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

Good Morning! These verses speak heavily.  They truly do! I think too often people make the excuse to hang out or be "bff's" with people that are bad influences JUST because they enjoy the influence the friend has, the things they can offer, or things they do with them.  Not because they want to influence them.  It is so important to guard our hearts and mind from worldly views, actions, and words so that we can prosper in our relationship with God, and the first step is cutting off those relationships that drag us down.  That first step can be very hard, but it can be practically impossible to grow when others are pulling you down (even though they may not be doing it intentionally).  The second step is to do just what verse 2 says.  Meditate on His law- on His word!  Read the Bible, put his words into action, pray to Him, and let Him change you.  You will be a tree with strong roots that can so much!  It is then that you will want to go back to those relationships you had to cut off, but only to influence, love, and help them.  It is so important to have relationships with non-believers, because God will use you to change them.  However you have to constantly be aware and do what God wants, because that is when Satan will try to take hold and pull you down again.  So let those relationships with others prosper in Godly ways!
Dear God, I ask that you will guard our hearts, and that you will help us cut off the relationships that have become toxic to us.  It is so important that we let our relationship with you grow and prosper so that you can use us to help others, and I ask that will help us do all that you ask with a joyful and obedient heart.  It is in Jesus' name I pray, amen. 

Tea For The Weekend: White Chocolate Peppermint

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Good morning and happy Saturday!  I hope each of you are cuddled up under your favorite blanket with a cup of tea in hand, because that is what I am doing right now.  And may I say it is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!  You obviously have some sort of internet device out as well, because *cough cough you are reading cough cough*... So, I HIGHLY suggest to go to your nearest Teavana or simply click on over RIGHT NOW to get some of this delicious White Chocolate Peppermint Tea.  It has been a seasonal favorite for two years now, and I still love it!  How about you? Do you have any favorite tea for this time of year?RIGHT NOW

Teeth Chattering Kind of Days

Friday, November 25, 2016

Good Morning!  With the teeth chattering cold kind of days upon us you have to take advantage of the warmer days you get- hence the bare legs.  Although when these pictures were taken it was rather cold.  Only because it was early morning though.  I was at school and in my first period art class one of my friends and I decided to take some blog pictures!  So I let my legs face the brisk morning wind without any tights, yikes!  I hope you enjoy this day inside with a cup of tea or hot cocoa with family or a holiday hallmark movie on whether you're under a cozy blanket or just settling down from a night full of shopping!  

Sold Out Sweater from Urban Outfitters- Old Skirt- Vintage Pin from grandma- Old shoes
Pictures by Jordan Liz Photography

Almost Turkey Time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hey my lovelies!  It's practically upon us!  Tomorrow I will be enjoying the warm inside with my family.  I will be helping my mom with the cooking, enjoying time with my family, drinking tea, eating pumpkin pie, and persuading the boys in my family why we should watch the Hallmark channel instead of the hunting channel or some sort of sport on TV!  

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow! Just don't forget to spend time thanking God for all that He has done for you and given you.  
I am so thankful for my wonderful and supportive parents, my brothers that are always there for me, my grandparents that listen to me and support me constantly, and my wonderful boyfriend that happens to be my best friend and always makes me the happiest girl in the world! 

Velvet top from Marshalls- Urban Outfitters Skirt- Black Tights- ASOS Shoes
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

It's Too Cold!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Good Morning!  It was a very long, fun, and emotional weekend.  Endings are always hard.  I had an amazing time being in my last high school play, and getting to be with all my cast members and stage crew.  The relationships and time with others is what made it all very special.  Memories were made, and tears were shed.  Make the most of the present, because no matter how hard you try, you can't hold onto it.  It slips through fingers faster than falling sand.  
My outfit is a definite change from my usual.  As you know I always wear dresses and skirts, but with the temperatures dropping and the occasional snow flurry I am desperate for warmth! How about you? Have you ventured beyond your usual recently!?

Old sweater- Red Clover shirt- Levi's Jeans- OLD OLD Shoes
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me
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