
Tea For The Weekend: I Am An Old Lady

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Good morning!  Today I am sipping on some Youthberry from Teavana with some pomegranates sprinkled in my cup!  It was just a last minute thing, but I LOVE it!  The wonderful thing is that they don't get mushy after sitting in the tea for a while! They still POP when you sink your teeth in them! 

Here is a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago!  I hope you enjoy!
An Old Lady
I am an old lady
I collect old hand painted tea cups
And I don’t do any push ups
My heart flutters at every new hallmark movie
And I find Bing Crosby and Billy Joel to be quite groovy
I find beauty in a vintage hanky
And quite frankly
I prefer old fashioned board games
Than all the social media that I forget the names
I wear dresses past my knees
And instead of vulgar language I just say, “Oh, geez!”

Have a lovely day!

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