
Sunday Devotional: Psalm 9:1

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Psalm 9:1 
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. 

Good morning everyone!  It's crazy how almost a month ago we were celebrating Thanksgiving, and here we are with Christmas one week away from today! Don't you think it's crazy that we put such an importance on being thankful that we have a day called Thanksgiving, but then the very next day (Black Friday) we get in preparation for Christmas by pushing and shoving strangers in our favorite shops??? And then the next month of December so many people are ungrateful for what they already have it all, "Me, me, me, me, me! I want this, and I want that! I WANT everything!"... That is what so many say and so much of what we hear and maybe what we even say.  God has blessed us with so much though!  It sounds so cliche, but I'll say it anyways.  BE THE CHANGE!!!  Stop making it about you this season.  Be thankful for what God has already blessed you with, and start serving others and share God's love.  What does that look like for you?  It will be different for each of us.  Once we make that change though you will radiate God's love, and He will use you as a blessing to others.  

Dear God, 
I pray that we will open our eyes to what you have blessed us with, whether it's family, food on the table, a certain job, a talent, or the miscellaneous things we take for granted everyday.  I pray that would thank you daily for those things, and as we do so that you would change our hearts for the best.  Use is particularly in this season to show the TRUE meaning of Christmas! It is in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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