
That Red Dress

Friday, December 2, 2016

Red dresses are just such an eye catcher for me.  I L-O-V-E red and dress.  Mix the two and its like chocolate and the hallmark channel had a baby- IT'S PERFECT!  Red is a happy and cheery color for me.  It just brightens a mood or day no matter the season! Mix it with a red coat and BAM! Brightens it even more!  I always find people changing their style and likes and dislikes ONLY because the media tells them what they like is in or out of style.  Why change!?  While others are sporting around their LBD you'll find me in my LRedD! What about you? Do you have a certain fashion statement of yours you won't let go of?

DressCoatSimilar Tights- Old Shoes
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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