
Buffalo's and Rain Boots

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Good morning and Happy Wednesday to all of you lovelies!  I am SUPER excited about this outfit.  I know, I know.  It isn't anything that special, AND you have seen these pieces before.  I want to share some background though.  I always like buffalo print, but never really sought anything out to have as my own.  Well, one day this past fall my mom and I were checking out in a local Elder-Beerman there was some sort of deal going on, and so the cashier said that if we spent blah amount of money more then we would get an even better deal.  SO my mom sent to look for something REALLY quick as we still being checked out.  I saw this top, and not only did they have my size but it was the ONLY one left! Tada! 
The skirt.  Well, I am sure all of you know by now how much I love this skirt.  If you missed my remix of this skirt from a couple of weeks ago here it is! I love the versatility of it, and the vintage Nancy Drew vibes I get when I wear it.  
Onto.  The.  Boots.  I've worn my new Hunter boots a few times on here, and SEVERAL times outside of the blog. I am ready to tell you what I think!! I was hesitant to spend almost all of my Christmas money on them, but after a lot of thought I (obviously) decided to get them! They go with SO many more of my outfits than I ever thought, they are very comfy, they don't make my feet sweat, and the boot socks make them a perfect warm boot if you plan on trekking through the snow.  So if you have thought about it, but are hesitant about it I definitely recommend them!
Have a lovely day!

Buffalo Shirt from Elder-Beerman- Old Skirt form The Gap- Hunter BootsHunter Boot Socks
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

1 comment:

  1. Love this button up shirt with that skirt! And those boots look and sound amazing!

    Sincerely Miss J


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