
My Precious Gem

Monday, January 9, 2017

Good morning!  I am wishing each of you a fantastic Monday filled with joy and success that spreads to the rest of the week! As some of you may know from catching on I have a thing for vintage anything! Like ANYTHING!  Well, for Christmas my boyfriends family gave me this beautiful necklace that I have loved since the moment I saw it!  It may be hard to see in the pictures, but the gem is a dark red and has a beautiful rim that screams an older era. I want to wear it everyday. Haha!  That happens all the time to me-it's like a new song! I wear it or listen to it so many times that eventually I get sick of it! SO a very small resolution for this year is to stop over using things the moment I get it.  Starting with this necklace;P  And speaking of Christmas- my brother picked out and got me this lovely dress!  I will take more pictures of it another day when I dare face the cold by removing my sleeves, but not today.  My brother knows me so well!  He chose this chic polka dot mod dress that I am so excited to wear in the summer along with another red boho shaped dress with a beautiful blue print that will too soon be on the blog!  Anyways, did you get anything fun for Christmas!?

Old Navy Pea Coat- Gifted Dress- Gifted Necklace- Shoes 
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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