
Shades Of Brown

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

As we enter this year together I want to remind you of something whether you have resolutions and goals or not.  We don't need to wait for the first day of the year to change.  Don't get discouraged if and when roadblocks pop up, when you fail, or when reminders of failure pop up in your mind.  No matter the goal or resolution it will take time.  You can't expect to lose ten pounds in a week, be a speed reader within a few days, be a know-it-all on all things Biblical after two weeks of reading your Bible, and have a total new outlook on life and cheery mood over night!  Some goals may take a few months some may take a few years.  Whatever it may be don't your lessons learned be your excuses.  Instead let them be your building blocks!
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength!

Old Tunic and Leggings From Savannah- Boots from Marshalls- The Other Sparrows Beret- Old Navy Coat
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me 

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