
Style Inspiration: Spring '17

Friday, January 13, 2017

It's a teeth chattering kind of cold where I am, and I am MORE than ready for springs arrival!  I am already dreaming of white and baby pink floral prints, my blue bubble umbrella, rain boots, and the endless amount vintage vibes piling into my wardrobe.  So despite the fact those days are still months away I am already putting together a mood/style inspiration board!  I am not 100% on the color choices I will be going for, but I decided I still want to share my progress with you lovely ladies.  
A problem of mine is I like SO many different styles and eras and colors that my style can be sort of EVERYWHERE.  I am going to make more of a conscious decision to hone in style and make my individual days to be more cohesive as a seasonal wardrobe.  
Have I ever mentioned my relationship with pink?... Well, let me tell you a story.  As a young girly girl I loved pink!  I couldn't get enough of hot pink, however as I grew up my brothers turned me into more of a tomboy and I refused pink.  I couldn't look pink in the eye.  Then as I went through middle school my outfits became more intentional, and I slowly became a girly girl again.   I still "hated" pink.  Then once upon a junior year in high school I l-o-v-e-d it again.  Now as I finish my senior year I am soaking in the pastel and baby pinks that are calling for my heart.  I have always loved red, and so I am quite anxious to mix the two in my wardrobe! I have quite the heart for anything floral, and all I can say is, "BRING ON THE VINTAGE VIBES!" 
So here are a few things that are and will be influencing my wardrobe as the spring showers come upon us, the flower buds meet air, my tea is infused with more flowers, and our extra coat layers are shed! 
You can find all these images (none of which are my own), links, and MORE on my Pinterest board HERE!!! 
Have a lovely Friday! 



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