
Sunday Devotional: Psalm 31: 21

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Psalm 31:21 
Praise be to the Lord, for He showed me the wonders of His love when I was in a city under siege.

He never fails in doing this everyday for each of us, whether we see it or are too blind. As Christians we are attacked daily.  The media, people around us, and the countless things Satan uses to tear us down are all sieges against us.  God never fails in showing us mercy in love through it all though.  
However, like I said I think we are blind to his love and mercy sometimes.  We let the attacks blind us from our Savior.  That can affect us in so many ways!  We can become angry, pessimistic, moody, and we can even push God away because we can't see Him... Truth is though is that HE. IS. ALWAYS. THERE... He never leaves us or forsakes, even when we feel the sieges and attacks coming from every which way.  
So how can we change this?  One way is making an effort EVERY DAY.  Living in His Word and prayer are always key.  Reading the Bible every day allows us to connect with a God in an intentional way.  Setting aside time in a day completely ready and dedicated to hearing what God has to say to you is very needed and can truly give you the connection you long for. Prayer is also essential and goes right with devotions.  Talking to God, telling Him where you need Him, and giving Him praise ar things in prayer that can help open your eyes to His presence and see the love and mercy He is showering you with everyday. 
Dear God,
I thank you so much for continually showing us love when we are under attacks daily.  Your love is greater than anything and I thank you for that.  I ask that you help us and lead us in directions where we don't let ourselves become blind to what you are doing and how you want to use us.  It's in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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