
Tea For The Weekend: My Lady Grey

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Christmas and New Year's have passed and I am full on ready for the season of pinks and reds to light up our hearts.  Valentine's Day cupcakes, relaxing cups of tea, pink and red ANYTHING, and hallmark movies with my loved ones is something I am absolutely ready for!  We've already gotten some decor out, I have made some cupcakes, and it all just puts me in the mood.  So why not enjoy a cup of tea to celebrate! I am enjoying a tea I shared with you here not too long ago called Lady Grey from Mr. Trombley's Tea Room, but this time I added some extra lavender too it to give it an extra floral taste and relaxing aroma.   Are you ready for Valentine's Day or are you still soaking in the Christmas and New Year's air?

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