
Sunday Devotional: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Sunday, February 12, 2017

1 Corinthians 15:58 
58. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

What kind of hold does fear have on you? Are you letting fear keep you from living in what God has planned for you?...  This verse is such a statement.  Too often we let fear creep in, and we slowly give it reign over our lives.  God has given us abilities and has made plans for us though.  Saying "no" to fear can be a lot easier said than done as we all know.  How are we supposed to do it then?...  Constantly going to God!  Pray, read His word, meditate on His word, and so on.  When we devote time to Him, and make Him a priority then it will naturally become easier to trust Him and realize the beauty of His plans.  What is something else we should do?  Fellowship with other Christians!  God made us to have relationships!!!  We are to go to our close friends in Jesus Christ.  Ask them for prayer, and just let them to be an influence in your life.  Going at our fears and the things God asks of us with not only Him at our sides, but our Christian friends as well will be a tremendous encouragement and help.  And last but not least pay attention to where it says, "give yourselves fully."  It is so important to completely give up everything you have and give it to Jesus.  Devote your full self to the works He has planned for you to do.  
Dear God,
I pray that as we move on from today that each of us will take that next step in our relationship with you.  That we would fully give ourselves to you and the plans you have for us.   I ask that you will guide us our of the fear we are in so that we can stand firm in your love, light, and plans.  It is in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.  

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