
Bib Chic and Chick-Flicks

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!  Let's talk about chick-flicks!  If you follow me on my Instagram Story you will know I watch chick-flicks ALL the time!!!...  Pretty much the only thing I watch actually, haha!  Some of you are more than likely rolling your eyes at me right now, but I'll just get it out there now that I am a huge romantic! And today I want to share a few favorites with you! Of course ANY Hallmark movie can be thrown into bunch;P  However a few Hallmark favs would be An Uncommon Grace (my boyfriend was very disturbed that an Amish romance is one at the top of my list... And he even has Amish roots!), A Window Wonderland, and Crown For Christmas.  Let's be honest and say that out of all the Hallmark movies the Christmas ones ARE THE BEST... With the June wedding themed ones coming in second!
OKAY! On to the real movies! These are in no particular order- just love em' all!

Leap Year: An adorable movie with Amy Adams and Matthew William Goode.  She takes a trip to Ireland to propose to her boyfriend and meets a charming Irish lad along the way!  If the charm didn't win her over it had to have been the accent.  Am I right!?

How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days:  Ugh, do you really need me to explain how cute, adorable, and comedic Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey are in this movie!?  Just do yourself a favor and watch it yourself!

Pride and Prejudice:  A classic that will FOREVER be #1 on my movie list!  Jane Austen has never failed me.

Breakfast At Tiffany's: Considering Audrey Hepburn is my all time favorite and biggest fashion inspiration any of her movies could be on this list!  Along with this one I also LOVE her film How To Steal A Million!

27 Dresses: Not only does James Marden make a good Prince Charming on Enchanted, but a pretty sneaky reporter!  He and Katherine Heigl are too cute!  

Sweet Home Alabama: Josh Lucas is more than the voice behind the Home Depot commercials- he is southern boy that gave Reese Witherspoon her first kiss in this movie!  I have LOVED it since I was a wee one!

My Best Friend's Wedding: Definitely super sad from one perspective, because let's face it.  Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney would have P-E-R-F-E-C-T!

The Wedding PlannerAnother great one for Matthew McConaughey!  He and J.Lo while being a bit sneaky stole our hearts when they first fell in the road!

Penelope: Christina Ricci makes one of the cutest pigs ever, and teaches us we are the only one that truly needs to accept ourselves for ourselves to be truly happy!

You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle:  Do I need to explain why these two go hand in hand?... Even with five years between the two movies both times do they not only steal the hearts of one another but ours as well.  Definitely two classics you have to watch!

I could most certainly keep going, but I won't bore you all day!  Instead take the free time and go watch a few of these top notch chick-flicks!  Have a good day!

$10 Bibs from GAP- GAP Sweater- J. Crew Shoes- Marshalls Bag- Claire's Scrunchie
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me


  1. Leap Year is one of my favorite movies EVER (probs because I identify so much with Amy Adams' character lol), and I love the rest of this list! Which Pride and Prejudice version is your fave??

    1. Me too! I love everything about it! Aestheticly I prefer the Kierra Knightly 2007 version, but I love the depth they go into in the Collin Firth BBC version. So it depends on the mood.


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