
Playing In Pink

Friday, March 31, 2017

I have been dazzled by the feminine color of the several shades of pink for the past several months, and my interest just keeps growing!  I was wearing this dress (worn as a top here) earlier in the week and wanted to remix it!  As you can see that while I put this ensemble together I thought, "The more the pink the merrier!" Earlier in the week when I wore it, I decided I wanted to wear it again soon, but remix it a bit more so here we go!  I paired it with My skirt from Forever 21 as a top, and I liked the outcome!  So many times I have wanted to wear a dress of mine as a top by wearing a skirt over it, but I rarely have ever been able to either because the dress was too long for the skirt or the waist in either piece didn't fit with the other.  So when I plopped this skirt over top of this I was so happy it worked!  The waistline of the dress may be a little high, but that's fine by me.  Have you ever tried doing this with a skirt and dress!?
The temperatures are finally at a steady warm flow, and I couldn't be happier about it.  The trees are still VERY bare so I hope you enjoy these fun pictures in front of my childhood playhouse out in my backyard!

Dress C/O Shop Apricity- Nine West Purse- Fossil Watch- Forever 21 Skirt
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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