
She's Dreaming Of Georgia

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hey everyone!  I feel like I keep saying it, but I've been so busy! So I am once again sorry for the sporadic posts!  Between the musical I am in, making the choreography, and all my classes I feel that the only time I have to write my posts are late at night or random small times during the day.  I am in much need of a break so I am beyond excited for a trip I'll be taking soon to Savannah, Georgia!  Savannah is one of my most favorite places in the world.  It'll be my fifth time going and I am still just as excited as I was the first time.  The dreamy landscapes, historic city brick roads, off-stream coffee shops, the picturesque boutiques, and the countless other things there are just some of the things that have made me fall in love with the city!  One of my favorite places there is the darling tea room, The Gryphon.  It used to be a drug store, and it is filled with little memoirs from its past.  While it is very vintage on the inside it also has a twist of modern with the cheetah print carpet and the glass chandelier.  A few of my favorite pieces of clothing actually have come from a few boutiques there, Red Clover and Harper (which happen to be sister stores).  I am so excited to take pictures and share all my favorite equalities about Savannah with you lovely ladies!

Sweater, shirt, and purse from my mom's closet- Levi Jeans- Modcloth Shoes
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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