
The Greener Side

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Do you ever wish you had a different life, or think "If I only had that," or how about, "If was able to do this then I could be that?"  I think we all do.  Some more than others, but I think we all find ourselves there at some point in our lives.  The problem with that though is that God placed us exactly where we are with a plan, and we spend half our time there trying to figure out how to be somewhere else.  I encourage you to stop thinking how much greener the grass is on the other side, because the grass under your feet is what will bring you spring.  Accept where you are, trust God's plan, and live out His commands with His love carrying you into each new step.  That is when you will learn to love the grass under your feet, because no matter how dull or bright green it is- it is full of God's love and care, because it was meant for your feet.

Modcloth Dress- Blouse (my mom's closet!)- Keds- Anne Klein Purse
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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