
While In Bath

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

On our last full day in London we took a tour outside the city.  We traveled from London to Stonehenge, then to Bath, from Bath we then got to drive through the Cotswolds, and then we finished in Statford-Upon-Avon.

Pink Is My Thing

Friday, June 23, 2017

I must say- this dress went above and beyond! The moment I eyed the print I loved it, the shape was beautiful, and I could NOT wait for it to arrive!

19 In London

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Last Monday on June 12, I officially turned 19 years old!  And what better place to celebrate your birthday than in London and what better dress to wear other than this gem!

Sharp As A Cactus

Monday, June 19, 2017

Hi to all my lovely ladies! 
It's been such an adventure last week and going into this new one! Last week in London was a dream come true.

London Breeze

Monday, June 12, 2017

London let me know the moment I got there that it was a windy city by blowing my hair from one side to another, however that didn't stop me from pulling out this lovely skirt from DamselDesigned!
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