
While In Bath

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

On our last full day in London we took a tour outside the city.  We traveled from London to Stonehenge, then to Bath, from Bath we then got to drive through the Cotswolds, and then we finished in Statford-Upon-Avon.
 It was more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.  London was beautiful and I loved the city more than I ever thought I could, but once you're out of London it is truly like entering a whole new world! The stone cottages, the brick walls, the green hillsides- ugh, I could go on and on about the beauty! One particular stop we made just grabbed my heart and won't let go... Bath. As we drove in we over looked the city from a hillside, and it was absolutely breathtaking!  I felt as if I was driving into a secret land that England had stolen from Italy and put right into the heart of their land.  Everything had this golden glow, and the moment we stopped I wandered streets of the magical city and OF COURSE took some pictures!  If anyone is interested we took a tour through Premium Tours.  We used them twice while we were in London, and it was fantastic!
Have a lovely day!

Cath Kidston Skirt (ON SALE)- Old Shirt- Keds- Zara Purse
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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