
Favorite Christmas Traditions

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Christmas is literally right around the corner, and I am so excited living out all of my favorite Christmas traditions! 
Today I want to share some of my favorite things to do this time of the year!  I love to go ice skating and I already got that checked off my list!  My boyfriend, Andrew, took me a few weeks ago for our Christmas celebration.  I love making Christmas cookies with mom.  I remember being a little girl and after we made all the pretty cutouts I would take some of the left over cookie dough at the end and make a gigantic blob of an ugly cookie.  They always looked terrible, but for some reason always tasted the best.  When I was younger I would have said playing in the snow was a favorite of mine, but not anymore.  I am perfectly fine staying in with a cup of hot cocoa or tea while reading a book or watching a good Christmas movie as the snow falls weightlessly to the ground.  I of course love all the fun Christmas parties whether it be a family gathering, the yummy food, the fun gift exchanges, the Christmas carols, and simply sharing the best time of the year with the people I love.  Christmas always has been and always will be my favorite time of the year!  What is one of your favorite traditions!?

Etsy Scarf- Forever 21 Blouse- Levi's- Marshals Shoes
Pictures by Mike Hicks- Edited by Me

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