
That Vintage Girl

Monday, February 12, 2018

Everyone hates being stereotyped, right?  Or how about those days when you don't wear makeup and everyone is asking if you are okay or if you are sick... A real confidence booster, right?
Uh, how about, no... All through high school if there was a day I wore jeans instead of my usual fashion choice, a dress or skirt, then everyone was pointing the fact out that I was wearing jeans.  It was funny the first two times, but by the time I was a senior and people were still making a deal out if it- it became very annoying and aggravating... Sometimes society labels you as something, and then when you want to change things up you can almost feel guilty!  This isn't how it's supposed to be, but sadly I find myself feeling guilty when I choose to wear something out of my 'usual' or when I put something on the blog that isn't the usual 1950's inspired look.  Well, I have some advice on how to combat all of this.
First of all- when you are picking something to wear or to buy pick it because you honestly LOVE it!  Not because it's what's in style at the moment or because you think that it's what others want to see you in.  The first step to loving loving the way you look is loving what you put on your body.
Second of all- BE CONFIDENT when you wear it!  No matter what you hear or what society tells you what would look good on your body.  When I say that confidence is my superpower I am being completely serious.  
When you aren't afraid to be yourself, and rock it then everything that the world tells you doesn't matter anymore.  It isn't bad being different when you don't let the negativity effect you.

I have absolutely loved wearing the pieces EvaTrends sent me, and this scarf has to be a favorite.  It's such a classic and versatile piece.  I wanted something with a vintage flare, but something I could pull off with jeans as well as I could a skirt (like I did here).  So far I couldn't be any happier with the clothing from EvaTrends.  They help me express myself through their unique pieces, and I love it! 
And! If you haven't already then you can get 15% off your total order from EvaTrends with my coupon code: [CH15].  
Have a lovely day and happy shopping!

Wool Scarf C/O Evatrends- Hannah Everyly Skirt- Marshalls Top- J.Crew Shoes
Pictures by Alan Hicks Photography- Edited by Me

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful outfit and photos! I like your blog, wanna follow each other?:)


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