
Giveaway Time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I know! It's been waaaay too long, but if you follow along with me on Instagram you will see me quite bit.  To get back into the hang of posting regularly I am going to start with a giveaway hosted by a beautiful shop from Etsy, Everlasting Words Co. 

It was started by a woman that not only has a passion for Christ, but also has a passion for art.  She has started using the creative bones in her body to paint Bible's!  How exciting!  I myself have a painted Bible, and love it!  Our Creator gave us a heart to create, and this is such a beautiful way to thank Him for that.  
When we decided to work together for a giveaway I looked through her Bibles she had painted (GO LOOK AT THEM! THEY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL) I knew full heartedly which one I wanted for this project! 
It was the one with one of my favorite verses- a verse that shines His love into each of us as women.  
She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25
She has a talent- a talent I feel honored to share here.  So go ahead, enter the giveaway, and if you don't win GO BUY ONE (or all) of her Bible's! Right now she has a 10% off sale for Mother's Day!

This giveaway is open to USA residents:

Giveaway Sponsored by Everlasting Word Co. 

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