
In My Own La La Land

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hey everyone! Its been a fun, emotional, and crazy few weeks, but I am back and ready to share some fun outfits (and locations)! 

20 Years & Counting

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Happy Birthday to me! 20 years ago I came into this world, and I feel so incredibly blessed by the love of family and friends God has given me.

Summer Wear

Friday, June 8, 2018

Summer is here, and it is nothing but beautiful bliss!  After the long months of cold weather and dreary days this warm weather has finally come, and it is showering me in warmth!

Aviator Attire

Monday, June 4, 2018

I am not much of a "pant wearer"... Is that even a word, haha!? But, you get my point- I don't wear pants that often, and when I do they are usually my yoga pants.

My Billie Giveaway

Friday, June 1, 2018

It's my Birthday on June 12th, and I want to share the love!

My "Go - To" Pieces

We all have those things in our closet that we practically grab without even thinking about it.  It's what some might say is a part of your signature look!
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