
Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day to all of my American readers on this lovely (HOT) Fourth of July!
I hope you are spending the day celebrating the freedoms we enjoy everyday, celebrating the men and women that have served our country, and doing it all with your loved ones.
Here I am with one of my loved ones (insert pink heart emoji)!  My Sissy Poo! This girl and I have been best friends since we were two and three years old (SEVENTEEN YEARS!), and we always joke that God didn't make us sisters by blood because neither of our moms could have handled the both of us. It's amazing how God puts people in our lives.  Some people come into our lives, and then they leave leaving footprints on our heart.  Then others come and they stay... For good.  Thanks for always staying, Sissy Poo!
Now, go enjoy time with your family!

Old Navy Dress - Cath Kidston Purse - Keds - American Eagle Scarf 
Pictures by Me

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