
My Angel in Heaven

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I've written a handful of posts on here sharing about my grandpa that was battling brain cancer for the past two years.  Well, last Friday morning the Lord brought him home.

He was a gem.  If you only met him one time you remembered him forever.  He made everyone feel valuable, loved, and like they were the only one in the room.  He had the best sense of humor even up till he passed.  His light for Christ shined like a beacon, and his cancer only made it shine brighter.  Words truly can't express how wonderful of an angel on earth he was, but oh how blessed my family and I are to have an angel in heaven now looking over us.
Here is a letter to you, grandpa.
Dear Grandpa,
I’m gonna miss you more than you know. I can’t express how much I love you into words. From here till the day I die I will look forward to seeing you again, and praising the Lord you always taught me about with you. But, grandpa, I have to say thank you. Thank you for loving me so well. Thank you for teaching me what love is. Thank you for being an example by never saying an ill word about a soul. Thank you for teaching me to plant flowers not just in the ground, but in the people around us. Thank you for watching Princess Diaries with me countless times as a child. Thank you for the bajillion motorcycle rides we took where we talk through the helmets about what shapes we saw in the sky and lunches we would stop for while we out on our day trips at the little diners. Thank you for playing Clue with me every time I came over. Thank you for always bringing me to Lams as a little girl even though I would eat the American food at the buffet (chicken and ribs). Thank you for always putting the worm on my hook while we fished. Thank you for walking me out to the outhouse at night at the cabin when I was scared. Thank you for all the four wheeler rides in the woods and when we would pick apples at the cabin. Thank you for teaching me how to change diapers when Emma and Ashton were born. Thank you for all the times you would round me and the cousins up to have sleepovers, put on plays, and just for allowing us to make memories.  Thank you for always letting me play “Ghost Riders In The Sky” and “A Boy Named Sue” over and over again on repeat in your truck.  Thank you for all the mac n cheese you cooked me over the years. Thank you for making me watch Psycho, and then standing outside the bathroom door that night while I got ready for bed because I was so scared. Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me. Thank you for always listening. Thank you for pushing me to be my best self. Thank you for all the stories you told. You were truly the best story teller. 
Thank you for being you. No one could have been a better “Grandpa Dennis!" So happy you are finally with our Lord and have a tumor free brain for eternity.  I love you SO much grandpa.

Lindy Bop Dress - J.Crew Shoes - Lionel Handbag - Vintage Scarf
Pictures by Me

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