
Smiling Fearlessly with Smile Brilliant

Friday, July 20, 2018

For as long as I can remember I've always had a smile on my face.  When I was younger people even called me, Smiley.  And now as an adult I still wear my smile fearlessly thanks to Smile Brilliant.
 I am always taking pictures for the blog, and you can look at any of my blog posts to see that I am smiling or laughing in literally every single one! Buuuut I am HUGE tea drinker! As we all know coffee and tea stains can be horrendous! I've always tried to take good care of my teeth so that I wouldn't get stains, but it can be hard when you have sensitive teeth.  Well, if you remember I did my first collaboration with Smile Brilliant back in the winter using their teeth whitening system.  I fell in love with the product right away, and I still use it to this day!  Well, this collaboration is no different- they have come out with their own electric toothbrush AND I LOVE IT! 
I have used an electric toothbrush for years now it does not even come close to this one.  You don't just turn it on and off like every other tooth brush in the world, because let's face it- we don't all have the same teeth, gums, mouth, ect.  Their new toothbrush has multiple settings to fit to your needs: Clean (for all your regular tooth cleaning needs), White (that extra boost to help whiten your teeth on the daily basis), Massage (to help those sore teeth and gums without hurting them with a regular brush setting), Gum Care (to maintain your gum health and care on a daily basis), and one of my favorites is the Sensitive setting!  Like I have said I have had sensitive teeth for years and this setting brushes my teeth without hurting them or my gums.  LOVE IT! 
AND, I always hated with my other tooth brush that when I took the top off to replace I had to clean the inside of the toothbrush where gross water would seep into.  It was always nasty and my LEAST favorite thing ever.  Where as with this toothbrush it is mechaniched a completely different way- there is no cleaning out nasty month old tooth water! 
Not only does Smile Brilliant do its best to provide the best in home teeth care provisions, but they have incredible deals and prices compared to the HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of dollars you can spend at a dentist to get the same thing.  
You can use my code 
to get 35% off your Smile Brilliant order!
If you want to hear more of what I have to say about Smile Brilliant watch the video below!
Now go order yours!

Tooth Whitening Gel

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