
My Photography Business

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

If you follow me on Instagram you know by now I've started a photography business!
 I started it back in August, and I am hustling to go full time by next semester.  I aspire to be a college drop out, ya'll!  College is great, its important for so many things, but it isn't for everyone.  And, it sure isn't for me.  We shall see- I may end up going next semester, BUT I AM SO EXCITED for when the time comes along that I will be able to go full time with my photography!
Let me get into the photography talk now!  I have been into photography since I was in middle school,  I've done different things for people and school projects over the years, this past winter I did my best friend's engagement, this past year I started taking my own blog pictures, then this summer I did another friend's engagement, then did some more engagement pictures for my best friend, and before I knew it I had people asking me do their pictures... I decided to take a leap of faith after praying about it, and I made a business out of it!  I officially have three weddings in the book, and I am booked all through the fall (I still have openings ya'll!)!
This has been such a passion of mine for such a long time, and I can't believe it took me so long to realize that THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!  Right now I am doing weddings, engagements, graduation sessions, and family sessions, but my goal is go full time with elopements, weddings, and engagements.  I want to travel the world capturing people's love stories (INCLUDING YOURS!).  
Don't worry though- I'M STILL BLOGGING THOUGH! My editing style is going to shift to match my photography style, and I am so excited to share that you guys!
If you have any questions about my photography, my booking, my prices, ANYTHING- you can email me at!
I will travel anywhere, and if you are on my bucket list then you even get a travel fee discount!
Guys I am so excited to start this journey and to be able to share it will all of you is such a blessing!

H&M Dress- Converse - Primark Purse
Pictures by Cori Ann Photography

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